I found these on the CNN website looking for any good visual research and I found this page that had many photos of someone holding up a past picture over a present day monument and then capturing that in a photo. These are just a few examples of what they showed. As you can see it is really amazing how they got this pictures. There are many people how take the actual photo so there is not just one photographer taking all of these pictures.

If you go to this website:
http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/04/09/past.present.irpt/index.html you can read up on how each story happened with each person. This one was taken by Amy Willard who found this photo of her recently deceased mother on the steps of Catholic University of America which she went graduated from in 1972 and then Amy graduated from in 2009.

This photo was taken by Edward Barnieh and the photo is of his mother who is pregnant with him in a park in London that he loved to play in as a little boy. The photo was taken in 1978.
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