Really nice use of form here. The color combination is interesting RGB of course. Something to think about is that all three colors are really powerful and compete for attention. However, if you notice the red still jumps out. Why is that? What if you were to place the blue form behind the red so that there is no question of the dominance here. It might produce a very different result. Having said that, it's an aesthetic choice and one that still works fine. I like that you figured our layers and copying them. This is exactly where we are and you've handled it well.
Really nice use of form here. The color combination is interesting RGB of course. Something to think about is that all three colors are really powerful and compete for attention. However, if you notice the red still jumps out. Why is that? What if you were to place the blue form behind the red so that there is no question of the dominance here. It might produce a very different result. Having said that, it's an aesthetic choice and one that still works fine. I like that you figured our layers and copying them. This is exactly where we are and you've handled it well.